Monday 22 December 2014

The solstice

Hope you all had a great solstice. And are looking forward to a low waste Christmas.

Monday 17 November 2014

Been a long time

Well tonight was my first visit to my local beekeepers group, interesting video and some people watching, lol.  One thing I have found is how hard it is to find a small piece of land to rent for veg, bees and possibly fowl. I must keep trying though

Sunday 31 August 2014


A new start
Waiting to see if the land I'm thinking of renting is suitable.  All depends on the councils idea of garazing.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

A space

The dead grass is all thats left of my lovely caravan which I must say gave me some of my best nights sleep ever. Hope its new owner  enjoys it just as much.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Beeing adventurous

As a further move towards a more sustainable life I have decided to try my hand at bee keeping. Not only for the obvious return of honey but also for pollinating attributes of these industrious little insects.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Good meat

As a meat eater. A believe that you can taste the difference.   Try Stepney Hill Farm in Scarborough. Fir your meat uou wont be disappointed.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Wild is best

Im sat here after being ill all night feeling pretty rough thinking that later ive got a Mallard to cook; not shot this time by myself but from a farm butchers I know very well, got to admit I probably know the gun too. I understand many of you out there will not agree with this type of food collection;  but this bird has been living as intended and is as free range as can be.  As a responsible hunter always eat what I catch or shoot and I believe that to be far better than commercial farmed food. If I hace to buy meat. I usually visit a local farm butcher and know exactly what im getting and where its from.