Sunday, 28 June 2015

Where next

Sat here wondering, what and where next.I'm sure life in greenville shouldn't be so complicated. Can't start a new life because i have ties to an old one.Can't find a new place to start my new life because I'm tied to a job because im tied to another life.  Its one viscous circle that many of you must know. I need off this Hamster wheel . Somewhere away from nosey neighbors. Sure there is a new tv series here where a complete newcomer to the organic lifestyle can try and follow in the footsteps of river cottage. I'm feeling totally enclosed and trapped tonight , not a feeling i enjoy. To add to this i think my brain knows there is not a way out of this working for nothing for at least two to three years,hence my sleep is disturbed,im fatiqued and it all feels a bit much.

Monday, 1 June 2015

They have arrived

At long last I have moved forward on my green quest!  I managed to buy a hive with bees. That was just over a week ago and all seems well.